Q: Why is MYSA changing uniforms?
A: Major suppliers typically change uniform designs every three to four years. We have been fortunate that our previous uniform was available for several years, but it has now been discontinued. In response to player & parent feedback about the fit and comfort of our previous uniform, we have selected a Joma uniform to ensure players have a lightweight, high quality fabric that offers brand name recognition, is appealing to youth athletes and offers a professional look. We have also switched to red as the black uniforms would get quite warm in the sun, and it seems like almost every town in Essex County has also recently switched to black or dark blue!
Q: What is the required uniform?
A: The required uniform is a numbered red jersey, numbered black shorts and striped socks. Warmups are encouraged but not required. Uniforms can be arranged / purchased through the Marblehead Sport Shop, and we encourage everyone to go sooner rather than later so as not to miss games waiting for a new uniform!
Q: Which players are required to wear the new uniform?
A: All players in Travel soccer (generally, grades 4 through 8) are required to wear the uniform. HS-aged teams (Spring season only) may wear the uniform or make other arrangements. NO ONE IN TOWN SOCCER (Grades 5/6 non-Travel) IS REQUIRED TO BUY A UNIFORM, AND ALL INTRAMURAL AND CLINIC PLAYERS WILL BE WEARING JERSEYS SPECIFIC TO THEIR LEAGUES/TEAMS.
Q: Can my player just wear their own favorite shorts?
A: No, the full kit is required. Coaches and referees will enforce the uniform requirements.
Q: I just replaced my player’s uniform last year after it wore out. Why do I need to buy another?
A: We appreciate any expense that a family makes in support of a child’s athletic endeavors. MYSA has worked diligently to keep registration fees affordable over the years, knowing that families will occasionally need to purchase uniforms, shin guards and a ball. As a result, our registration fees are roughly half of the price of other sports programs in town. We do not want anyone missing out on the fun of soccer because of cost, so MYSA can help any families that need assistance financially with their uniform, just reach out directly to one of the leadership team (emails can be found on the About Us page).
Q: Do Clinic players need to wear the new uniform?
A: No, Clinic players (grades K and 1) receive a training jersey to wear, and can wear black shorts of their own choosing. They should not purchase the official shorts separate from the jersey because they are numbered.
Q: Are you providing players with the opportunity to try on the uniform for sizing?
A: Yes, the Marblehead Sports Shop takes care of sizing and numbering, and often arranges “Fit Nights” before each season.
Q: How do I order the uniform?
A: Uniforms can be ordered through the Marblehead Sport Shop.
Q: Can I select my own uniform number?
A: Unfortunately, no. Permitting players to select numbers could result in players on the same teams having the same number, or players on opposing teams (in IM) sharing a number. There are only 99 available numbers, and over 700 children playing in MYSA each season. Numbers needed to be assigned in a systematic manner. The Marblehead Sport Shop will help with this as well.
Q: How are numbers being allocated?
A: Numbers are being assigned to specific leagues based on age/gender. Age group coordinators will distribute numbers, and the Marblehead Sports Shop will have them available on Fit Nights. Coordinator contact information is available on the About Us page.
Q: What is the deadline for ordering?
A: To guarantee delivery by the start of the Fall season, all orders should be placed as soon as possible.
Q: How long will it take for my kit to arrive?
A: 2-3 weeks.
Q: What should I do with the old uniform?
A: MYSA is considering a uniform donation drive but needs volunteers to assist. For now, please hold onto the old uniforms and stay tuned for further information. If you are interested in helping, please contact us at marbleheadsoccer@gmail.com.